Elbow Pain Regenerative Therapy

Our hinged elbows allow us to perform tasks such as lifting, throwing, pushing, and pulling. Elbow pain can make everyday tasks like getting dressed, bathing, and brushing your teeth a challenge. Not only can it make your day-to-day hard,  it can limit your enjoyment of hobbies.

Traditional remedies for severe elbow pain offer basic approaches: live with the pain, use a brace, get steroid injections, or have surgery. But these traditional approaches are NOT the only way to get relief from elbow pain. 

Elbow Pain Causes and Symptoms

The elbow is a complex arrangement of muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and bursae that all coordinate to create motion. If any of these parts sustain an injury, you will experience persistent discomfort. Most causes of elbow pain can be sorted into three categories:

  1. One-Time Injury
  2. Repetitive Stress Injury
  3. Disease

One-Time Injury

Direct trauma can cause elbow injuries, like dislocation, fractures, strains, and sprains. Strains and sprains result from stretching or tearing muscles or tendons (strains) or ligaments (sprains). The typical recommendations for relieving elbow pain from sprains and strains are a combination of rest, immobilization, and icing.

Dislocations and fractures typically result from an intense and sudden impact, like a fall or car accident.

Broken and displaced bones usually require medical intervention to set or reset the bone.

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Repetitive stress injuries result from overuse of the joint. Common examples of these injuries include bursitis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, and trapped nerves. Each of these injuries involves excessive wear and tear on the joint, which leads to significant mobility-restricting pain.

People with these injuries should try icing, anti-inflammatory medication, compression, a brace, and rest for elbow pain management. However, if the pain lasts for days or weeks, the odds are that these remedies will not be enough to treat the injuries adequately. Fortunately, elbow pain regenerative therapy can help.

Disease and Degeneration

While the number one cause of elbow pain is overuse or injury, disease and degeneration can also be the cause. For example, rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondritis dissecans, lupus, gout, and Lyme disease can all result in significant elbow pain.

Elbow injuries can cause osteoarthritis to develop in later years at the injury site. In some severe cases, surgery may be recommended to address elbow pain resulting from disease. But this is another set of cases that can be treated well with regenerative medicine for elbow pain.

Is Elbow Pain Regenerative Therapy Right for You?

At QC Kinetix in Clarksville, TN, we use natural, regenerative medicine to harness your body’s inherent ability to repair and heal itself, providing long-lasting relief from pain. We don’t offer “pain management.” Instead, we go to the source of your pain to help your body restore the damaged tissue.

We will thoroughly review your symptoms and medical records when you schedule your free consultation. Elbow pain regenerative therapy is not the right approach for everyone or every injury. We have no interest in delaying your recovery by offering any false promises. If surgery is your best bet, we’ll let you know. But if we can provide genuine elbow pain relief without surgery, we want to give you that option.

QC Kinetix in Clarksville is one of the most trusted clinics in regenerative medicine for elbow pain. For years, we have assisted people suffering from athletic injuries and pain due to arthritis and other conditions. Our goal is to restore complete functionality to the elbow through regenerative medicine.

We look forward to introducing you to the QC Kinetix in Clarksville Concierge approach to medicine. We put your needs, comfort, and recovery at the center of everything. We will answer your questions and describe the treatment options best suited to your elbow condition. Check out how we have delivered elbow pain relief for others in our QC Kinetix Patient Testimonials. Then, explore our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more.

When you’re ready to experience elbow pain relief, schedule a free consultation at the top of this page to see what QC Kinetix in Clarksville can do for you. Don’t let elbow pain hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest.

Elbow Pain Relief Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

This completely depends on your specific condition and its severity, which we cover in detail with you at your complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

While we have seen patients have long-standing relief after their initial injection series, this does vary from patient to patient depending on many factors, including how active a patient continues to be. Osteoarthritis is a chronic, degenerative condition and while we feel that regenerative medicine protocols are an outstanding way to combat the pain of this degenerative process, these treatments are not a cure for this condition.

This is an extremely important question. In our opinion, success isn’t just a matter of having less overall pain. We strive to improve your overall quality of life. Sure, this includes decreasing your pain levels, but we also want to see things like improved function, range of motion, improved sleep patterns, taking fewer medications (or lower doses), and being able to enjoy life more. Instead of just looking at a simple pain scale number, we focus on quality-of-life metrics. In this light, the vast majority of our patients have success with regenerative medicine for their knees.

Class IV laser therapy is a helpful adjuvant to the regenerative medicine therapies we use. When used alone, it is useful for some temporary relief only. We utilize it in combination with our additional protocols to improve the tissue environment.

A series of the biologic regenerative medicine therapies; consideration of appropriate knee bracing, if warranted; and physical therapy after the initial treatment series.

When left untreated, sports injuries can lead to local scarring of tissue.  The chronic pain of sports injuries can also put undue stress on other parts of the musculoskeletal system that can lead to pain in other areas as well.

The pain due to muscle tears, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, bursitis, and more.

There are many ways to work on low back pain because it is a very complicated problem with many potential causes.  While we use our regenerative medicine protocols successfully with many low back pain issues, we also strongly encourage things like physical therapy, Pilates, and yoga to help enhance the results you can obtain from our protocols.

There are times when one or both are appropriate to use.  We discuss this in detail with you when you begin your plan of care with us.

The pain related to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis.

Usually, this is determined by a good history and physical exam, followed by imaging with x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, or a combination of all three modalities.  Sometimes, blood work may also be warranted in the work-up of arthritis.