Hip Pain Relief with QC Kinetix

The hip joint is a robust and hardworking joint, playing a vital role in activities such as standing, sitting, walking, lifting, and more. Unfortunately, over time, due to usage, injuries, and the effects of aging, it can deteriorate, leading to various degrees of discomfort. Hip pain can range from occasional and mild discomfort to severe agony that can severely limit your daily life. It doesn’t just hinder enjoyable activities like golf or hiking; it can even make simple tasks like dressing or standing incredibly challenging.

Hip pain can stem from direct trauma, such as a sprain, fracture, or dislocation, or it can be a result of chronic medical conditions. As cartilage wears away with age, hip joint pain becomes increasingly common, making older individuals more susceptible to hip injuries. In fact, approximately one in seven seniors report experiencing significant hip pain. Conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis are also frequent culprits. Additionally, many older patients face the degeneration of supporting structures around the hip, which weakens the joint and leads to hip pain.

Traditionally, remedies for hip pain have included anti-inflammatory or pain-relief medications. Physical therapy, though challenging, has proven to be an effective option in many cases. In some instances, corticosteroid injections can alleviate hip pain. Until recently, for those who didn’t opt for surgery, using a cane or walker was often the only alternative for seeking relief from hip pain.

QC Kinetix’s regenerative medicine offers a promising alternative to hip replacement, providing effective solutions that can help you regain your quality of life and activity levels.

Hip Pain Issues, Causes, and Symptoms

QC Kinetix in Clarksville, TN provides effective hip replacement alternatives that can help you reclaim your life and activity levels.

Hip Flexor Pain

Both overuse and underuse can result in significant hip flexor pain. While this pain may be acute and severely limiting, pain can generally be resolved with a combination of massage, stretching, and exercise. However, not all causes of hip joint pain are as easily remedied.


One of the most common forms of hip pain is bursitis. It occurs when small fluid-filled sacs in the hip, called bursae, become inflamed. The bursae’s job is to cushion the joint, reducing friction between the bones, ligaments, and muscles, which prevents pain. However, inflammation can make it impossible for the muscles and tendons to glide over bone without pain, limiting a person’s functionality and range of motion.

Bursitis is typically a result of overuse. Continued repetitive motions, like running, can irritate the bursae and increase pressure on the hip(s), resulting in varying degrees of pain. However, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can also work in conjunction to add to the inflammation.

Other Causes of Hip Joint Pain

Additional causes of hip joint pain include Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Osteomyelitis, pinched nerves, and hip bursitis. Hip pain may also result from bone spurs, calcium deposits, spinal issues, or legs of two different lengths.

Sometimes, there is lingering pain from a prior surgery; even if doctors insert a prosthetic hip or repair the existing one, the patient is still liable to develop bursitis and other similar conditions. And they must still struggle through grueling physical therapy to recover from the surgery.

QC Kinetix: Regenerative Hip Pain Specialists

The first step toward hip pain treatment is getting the correct diagnosis. QC Kinetix in Clarksville examines each patient’s medical history and physical capacities. Using cutting-edge technology, our providers determine the root causes of your hip pain and develop a customized treatment plan for you. We employ various regenerative techniques to address and resolve your pain at its source. Our treatment providers use a natural biologic protocol that may include laser therapy and orthobiologic compounds, depending upon your specific needs.

At QC Kinetix, we focus on each individual’s specific needs. The causes of your hip pain and how it limits you may differ significantly from another’s. We will never try to pigeonhole you or your pain. We are searching for a genuine solution that gives your hip pain relief.

When you schedule your free consultation, we will introduce you to the QC Kinetix in Clarksville difference and our commitment to concierge medicine. We will discuss your treatment options and address all your questions. Schedule your consultation online or call us at (844) 809-PAIN (7246).

Hip Pain Relief Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

This completely depends on your specific condition and its severity, which we cover in detail with you at your complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

While we have seen patients have long-standing relief after their initial injection series, this does vary from patient to patient depending on many factors, including how active a patient continues to be. Osteoarthritis is a chronic, degenerative condition and while we feel that regenerative medicine protocols are an outstanding way to combat the pain of this degenerative process, these treatments are not a cure for this condition.

This is an extremely important question. In our opinion, success isn’t just a matter of having less overall pain. We strive to improve your overall quality of life. Sure, this includes decreasing your pain levels, but we also want to see things like improved function, range of motion, improved sleep patterns, taking fewer medications (or lower doses), and being able to enjoy life more. Instead of just looking at a simple pain scale number, we focus on quality-of-life metrics. In this light, the vast majority of our patients have success with regenerative medicine for their knees.

Class IV laser therapy is a helpful adjuvant to the regenerative medicine therapies we use. When used alone, it is useful for some temporary relief only. We utilize it in combination with our additional protocols to improve the tissue environment.

A series of the biologic regenerative medicine therapies; consideration of appropriate knee bracing, if warranted; and physical therapy after the initial treatment series.

When left untreated, sports injuries can lead to local scarring of tissue.  The chronic pain of sports injuries can also put undue stress on other parts of the musculoskeletal system that can lead to pain in other areas as well.

The pain due to muscle tears, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, bursitis, and more.

There are many ways to work on low back pain because it is a very complicated problem with many potential causes.  While we use our regenerative medicine protocols successfully with many low back pain issues, we also strongly encourage things like physical therapy, Pilates, and yoga to help enhance the results you can obtain from our protocols.

There are times when one or both are appropriate to use.  We discuss this in detail with you when you begin your plan of care with us.

The pain related to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis.

Usually, this is determined by a good history and physical exam, followed by imaging with x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, or a combination of all three modalities.  Sometimes, blood work may also be warranted in the work-up of arthritis.